


    Abstract: With the continuous development of our country market economy and financial system deepening reform, the status of commercial Banks has become increasingly significant. In the business process of the bank, the bank accounting work throughout the whole process, but our country commercial bank faces at present the disturbing high operating risk to a great extent is related to accounting. In recent years, the bank accounting risk facing more persified, spread, make the development of commercial Banks and the stability of social and economic impact is very serious. Therefore, how to in the fierce competition in the judge's ability to resist risk, increased risk aversion bank accounting risk occurs, has become the focus of the bank's risk management. This paper takes the Rural Commercial Bank - Huaian Huaian distinguish act analyzed the reason for bank accounting risk and its manifestations, and for the reasons put forward corresponding countermeasures.

    Keywords: banking accounting, risks in bank, accounting risk prevention

    1  引言 4

    2  银行会计风险概述 4

    2.1  银行会计风险概念 4

    2.2  银行会计风险的特点 4

    3  淮安市农村商业银行淮安区分行存在的会计风险 5

    3.1  操作风险 6

    3.2  管理风险 6

    3.3  人员素质风险 7

    4  淮安市农村商业银行淮安区分行银行会计风险产生的原因 7

    4.1  会计管理体制的落后 7

    4.2  激烈的金融竞争环境 7

    4.3  银行工作队伍的问题 8

    4.4  银行内控制度不健全、执行不严 9

    4.5  检查监督不力 9

    5  淮安市农村商业银行淮安区分行会计风险防范的措施 9

    5.1  加强银行会计制度的建设 9

    5.2  改善金融业的激烈竞争环境 9

    5.3  注重职业道德修养和风险防范意识的培养 10

    5.4  加强完善内部控制管理制度 10

    5.5  完善银行监管模式 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1  引 言


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