
    摘  要:在经济迅猛发展的现代社会,企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈,想要在激烈的竞争环境中实现税后利润最大化的目标,企业就必须做好税收筹划的工作。投资是企业经济活动中的重要部分,因此,做好企业投资过程中的税收筹划工作也是非常重要的。本文以常州非同建筑工程有限公司为例,主要探讨了企业在投资过程中的税收筹划问题。首先介绍了税收筹划的背景和意义,接着详细解释了税收筹划的理论,然后根据常州非同建筑工程有限公司的具体投资项目从各方面阐述了企业投资过程中税收筹划的方法,最后依据投资实例提出了税收筹划在实施过程中应该要注意的一些问题。60859


    Abstract: With the rapid economic development in modern society, the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, the enterprise must do a good job of tax planning if he want to realize the maximization of the profit after tax in the fierce competitive environment of the target. Investment is an important part of enterprise's economic activities. Therefore ,to do a good job of tax planning in the process of enterprise investment is also very important. This paper takes Changzhou feitong construction engineering  company Ltd as an example and mainly discusses the tax planning issues in the process of enterprise investment. First introduces the background and significance of tax planning, and then explains the theory of tax planning in detail, the third part of the paper elaborates the tax planning in the process of enterprise investment from various aspects,according to the specific investment project in Changzhou feitong construction engineering company Ltd. Finally, on the basis of the investment case and put forward some problems of the tax planning in the implementation process should pay attention to.

    Keyword: enterprise investment, tax planning, specific methods

    1  引言 3

    1.1  研究背景 3

    1.2  研究意义 3

    2  税收筹划理论 4

    2.1  税收筹划的概念 4

    2.2  税收筹划的特点 4

    3  常州非同建筑工程有限公司简介 5

    4  常州非同投资税收筹划的方法 6

    4.1  投资行业的税收筹划 6

    4.2  投资地点的税收筹划 6

    4.3  投资方式的税收筹划 7

    4.4  投资期限的税收筹划 9

    4.5  投资方案选择的税收筹划 10

    5  常州非同投资税收筹划应注意的问题 11

    5.1  保证税收筹划的合法性与及时性 11

    5.2  重视企业整体利益 11

    5.3  考虑企业长远利益 12

    5.4  防范税收筹划的风险 12

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致 谢 15

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景


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