


    毕业论文关键字  公允价值   财务决策    应用分析

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     The research of fair value application based on the financial decision-making                                   

    Abstract Decision-making usefulness concept thinks, the financial report ought to provide users of accounting information for decision-making useful information to them, and the useful information for decision is mainly about the information of enterprise operating performance and resource change. Therefore, how to effectively provide decision makers real accounting information of market value is a problem. Historical cost has always been considered one of the most trusted measurement way, but with the development of economy, especially the growing emergence of derivative financial tools, the historical cost reflects the value of certain assets off its market value, which effect on the correct decision of the investors. In order to make the accounting information can better reflect market value, manifests the decision usefulness, not only the standard setting bodies confirm the fair value measurement as the basic measurement attributes, but also its use scope has been expanded. 

        This paper bases on the current accounting standard for business enterprises, from the viewpoint of financial decisions, studies the basic theory of fair value, analyzes the actual application situation of fair value, and on this basis discusses the problem with fair value in financial decision-making process should pay attention to. This thesis is pided into five parts. The first part is introduction; The second part introduces the basic concept of fair value and its confirm method; The third part introduces the determine the fair value of the order; The fourth part analyses the application of fair value in financial decision-making; The fifth part discusses some of the problems with the fair value in financial decision-making process should pay attention to.

    Keywords Fair value   Financial decision-making   Analysis on application

    目  次

    1 引  言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 公允价值的概念 2

    1.2.1 FASB关于公允价值的概念 2

    1.2.2 IASB关于公允价值的的概念 2

    1.2.3 我国会计准则中关于公允价值的概念

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