


    关键词    光伏企业   危机   财务预警分析   危机防范  

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Study on financial early warning analysis of photovoltaic enterprises and crisis prevention

    Abstract Financial early warning analysis system take the enterprise information as the basis .It is such a system that by setting some sensitivity index and to observe the changes, real-time monitoring and warning of potential risks in the business management activities, so that enterprises take timely measures to prevent and control and to get the minimum loss of system.Which runs through the whole process of enterprise management, and financial evaluation system complement each other.In recent years, due to the addition of WTO ten years opening degree deepen, various problems of external market competition and the enterprise's own existence, Chinese enterprises encounter financial difficulties of the phenomenon is widespread, the degree of light so that short-term liquidity difficulties, or even the degree of bankruptcy. In order to maintain the stable development in the fierce competition in the market, let the evergreen, many enterprises pay more attention to the importance of setting up financial early-warning analysis system.

    At the same time, this paper selects the domestic photovoltaic industry perspective.Photovoltaic industry is one of the most popular in recent years in the industry.In the past few years, everyone to go for “delicious” PV to today's  screech everywhere, who all want to throw "hot potato", in Europe and the United States to start "photovoltaic products China's dual" investigation of the chain reaction, the domestic photovoltaic industry in the short term suddenly encountered a cold winter, many enterprises are facing huge losses.This shows the importance of the global climate warming, the conventional energy resources shortage and side effects on the environment of the situation prospect to warning financial risk analysis and crisis prevention of financial risk early warning system to establish corresponding analysis of the golden sunrise industry.This article is precisely embarks from this background and purpose, starting from the review on present situation of domestic and international financial risk and early warning method and photovoltaic industry in our country the development history and present situation, the traditional financial risk early warning method is discussed based on the definition of related concepts of financial risk and financial early warning, using the analytic hierarchy process the early warning financial risk of enterprise, carries on the analysis to our country photovoltaic enterprise management status and the risk. In this paper, based on the establishment of financial risk early warning index system of principle, on the basis of commonly used financial indicators, using analytic hierarchy process to design the financial risk early-warning system. Finally, put forward the financial risk prevention measures for the solar photovoltaic enterprises.

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