


    关键词  研发费用 业绩评价 制药业

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Pharmaceutical industry R&D costs and performance 

    evaluation of empirical research                


    When the 21st century comes, the global economy rapidly develop, In order to survive in the highly competitive market, enterprises have to increase market competition and take a variety of ways to arm themselves, forming the core competitiveness of enterprises. Taking research and development activities, creating knowledge and technology innovation can fundamentally enhance a company’s advantage, thus, it is crucial for a enterprise to take an activities of the R&D. But in recent years, China's R&D investment share the low GDP, and most companies do not have a regular R&D institutions, reflecting the Chinese enterprises lack of attention and the organization and management of R&D activities. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between R&D investment and corporate performance, to provide the basis of theoretical and empirical research for enterprises to develop R&D investment decisions. How to evaluate the operating performance of listed companies fairly and objectively, as well as its operating performance measures, it has great significance for the healthy growth of listed companies and the stable development of the national economy.

    Keywords R&D expenses  Performance Evaluation  Pharmaceutical industry


    1 引言 1

    2 相关概念概述 3

    2.1我国制药业现状分析 3

    2.2 研发费用概述 4

    2.3 经营绩效概述 5

    2.4 研发费用与企业业绩的关系 6

    3 实证研究设计 8

    3.1 提出假设 8

    3.1.1 理论依据 8

    3.1.2 具体假设 10

    3.2 变量的选取 11

    3.2.1 公司绩效变量 11

    3.2.2 研发投入变量 11

    3.2.3 其他控制变量

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