

    关键词:创业板 股利分配 影响因素

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title:  The research on pidends distribution of China’ GEM listed companies                                            

    Abstract With gem open board of shenzhen stock exchange, to the high-tech emerging small and medium-sized enterprises in China provides an effective financing platform. But because our country's gem is only just beginning, the development is still not mature enough, and high risk financing main body mainly high-growth emerging small and medium-sized enterprises, so the hard to avoid defects. The gem of the pidend distribution has always been the hot spot of the research, open board, cash pidend distribution of the shares to far more than half. Based on the gem had to pidend distribution of listed companies as the research object, through the regression analysis model to estimate, obtained several important influencing factors of cash pidend distribution, and how to improve the pidend distribution of the gem market, promoting the healthy development of capital market to protect the interests of the investors.

    Keywords: the gem  Dividend distribution  influencing factor

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    2 理论基础与文献综述 2

    2.1 国外关于股利分配的研究 2

    2.2 国内关于股利分配影响因素的实证研究 3

    3 创业板市场概况 5

    3.1 国内外创业板市场的发展概况 5

    3.2 我国创业板市场相关数据统计分析 7

    4 我国创业板股利分配情况 14

    4.1 创业板股利分配现状 14

    4.2 创业板股利分配特点 15

    5 实证分析 17

    5.1 样本选择与数据来源 17

    5.2 研究假设与变量选择 17

    5.3 模型设计 19

    5.4 回归分析 20

    5.5 研究结论 21

    6 研究展望及对完善创业板上市公司股利分配政策的建议 23

    6.1 研究展望 23

    6.2 对完善创业板上市公司股利分配政策的建议 23

    结 论 25

    致 谢 26

    参考文献 27

    1 引言


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