
    摘  要:从国内形势看,我国纺织业将有大的发展前景,在市场竞争激烈的今天,对纺织行业的盈利能力进行分析是一个非常值得研究的领域。江苏红豆实业股份有限公司是国内纺织行业中知名企业之一,在纺织行业中具有一定代表性。通过对江苏红豆实业股份有限公司的盈利情况行分析,企业管理者了解企业现状和制定未来企业战略计划。借助江苏红豆实业股份有限公司2012-2014年财务报告,对其盈利能力进行单项财务指标分析和行业比较分析,最后对其盈利能力进行评价并提出合理化的建议。66966


    Abstract: From the domestic situation, China's textile industry will have great prospects for development, in market competition intense today, the textile industry of the financial report analysis is a very worthy of study areas. Jiangsu Hongdou industry Limited by Share Ltd is one of the well-known enterprises in the textile industry, has the certain representation in the textile industry. Through the analysis of Jiangsu Hongdou industrial Limited by Share Ltd's financial situation, is advantageous to the enterprise investors, creditors, managers and others concerned with enterprise organization or inpidual enterprises in the past, understand the evaluation of enterprise situation, predict the future of the enterprise, make the right decision to provide accurate information or evidence. This topic in the financial analysis based on the theory, with the Jiangsu Hongdou industrial Limited by Share Ltd 2012-2014 annual financial report, the profitability capacity of the single financial index analysis and industry analysis, At the end of its financial status evaluation and put forward reasonable suggestions.

    Keywords: Finance Analysis of Jiangsu Hongdou Industry CO., LTD, the profitability capacity , financial index

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    1.1  研究背景和意义 3

    1.2  国内外研究现状 3

    2  盈利能力的理论概述 3

    2.1  盈利能力的内容 3

    2.2  盈利能力的指标 3

    2.3  分析盈利能力的目的 4

    3  江苏红豆实业股份有限公司基本情况概述 4

    3.1  公司的简介 4

    3.2  公司的发展规划 5

    4  江苏红豆实业股份有限公司盈利能力分析中存在问题 5

    4.1  营业利润率分析 5

    4.2  成本费用利润率分析 6

    4.3  总资产净利率分析 6

    4.4  净资产收益率分析 6

    4.5  行业盈利能力比较分析 7

    4.5.1  盈利能力对比 7

    5  江苏红豆实业股份有限公司盈利能力分析中产生问题的原因 8

    5.1  营业利润率下降的原因 8

    5.2  成本费用利润率下降的原因 8

    5.3  总资产净利率下降的原因 8

    5.4  净资产收益率下降的原因 8

    5.5  江苏红豆行业内盈利能力下降原因

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