


    On Accounting Supervision in the Management of State - owned Assets

    Abstract: China's state-owned enterprises is to ensure that the economic environment is stable, "Dinghaishenzhen." State-owned enterprises are responsible for providing jobs for the community, providing a large amount of scientific research funds for the motherland, providing technical support for the national industrialization process, and maintaining a large number of responsibilities for maintaining the social and economic environment. State-owned enterprises are an important source of tax revenue and provide the main body of employment. To ensure that the good operation of state-owned enterprises have a significant role in socio-economic. After the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in China, due to the tight governance of state-owned enterprises, there is a lack of strict management of assets, accounting is not accurate, there are loopholes in financial management, accounting statements are distorted, and some state-owned enterprises account Weak and so on. These factors together led to China's state-owned enterprises large and not strong, low economic efficiency, asset-liability ratio has been high. How to change the status quo of state-owned enterprises, improve the operation and management of state-owned enterprises is the key. According to this situation, this paper analyzes the problems of accounting supervision in the process of state-owned assets management, and draws relevant suggestions and conclusions to improve accounting supervision in state-owned assets management.

    Key words: state-owned enterprises; state-owned assets; accounting supervision; asset management


    一、绪论 1

    (一) 研究目的和意义 1

    1、研究目的 1

    2、研究意义 1

    (二)国内外研究现状 1

    1、国内研究现状 1

    2、国外研究现状 2

    二、会计监督的概念与作用 2

    (一)会计监督的概念 2

    (二)会计监督的作用 2

    1、完善企业的运营管理。 2

    2、维护市场经济的运作。 2

    3、维护相关财经法规的实施。 3

    4、提高管理者遵章守纪的意识。 3


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