


    Abstract: China's real estate has become an important part of our national economy, in order to control the real estate market, the country take actions to administrate the real estate market through the collection of real estate taxes. In order to study the specific impact of the real estate tax policy on real estate prices, this paper analyzed the literature nearly a decade of real estate taxation, on this basis, the paper conduct analysis of the current situation and the development situation of China's real estate market, real estate tax policy, followed by analysis of the country now kind of stage taxes and the national average in recent years the trend of prices, the fourth part of the municipality of Chongqing as a selection of specific cases, detailed analysis of the development phase, holding phase and the flow of real estate tax policy stage specific effects on real estate prices, and thus obtain the corresponding policy recommendations.

    Keywords: real estate taxes, real estate prices, Chongqing City

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  文献综述 4

    3  房地产税收政策及房地产价格概述 5

    3.1 房地产税收政策概述 5

    3.2 我国房地产价格概述 6

    4  房地产税收政策对于房价的影响--以重庆市为例 8

    4.1开发阶段房地产税收政策对房价的影响分析 9

    4.2流转阶段房地产税收政策对房价的影响分析 9

    4.3持有阶段房地产税收政策对房价的影响分析 11

    5  政策建议 12

    5.1科学制定开发阶段征税依据及税率 12

    5.2进一步明确重庆市流转阶段的征税政策 12

    5.3加强持有阶段房地产税收实施的配套制度建设 12

    结论 13

    参考文献: 15

    致谢 15

    1  引言


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