

    毕业论文关键字  房地产企业;社会责任;社会责任评价指标体系

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   An Empirical Study of Social Responsibility Evaluation of Real Estate Enterprises                 


    Social responsibility of Real estate enterprise to perform condition has been well received by the attention of the society. The definition of real estate enterprise’s  social responsibility and the analysis to theory foundation of corporate social responsibility on this article, and suggested that the evaluation index system to evaluate the implementation of the real estate corporate’s social responsibility. Questionnaires to determine the specific targets of the evaluation system in this paper, And the use of AHP to determine indicators weight, and the practice of establishing evaluation  index system. Established the evaluation index system for authentication in case form ,so as to help the real estate enterprise to reinforce their consciousness of social responsibility, and hope to give to corporate social responsibility to bring a more clear guidance.

    Keywords  Real estate enterprise;  Social responsibility ; Evaluation index system of social responsibility


    1  引言 1

    2  企业社会责任的研究现状和理论基础 2

    2.1企业社会责任的概念 2

    2.2关于房地产企业的社会责任评价体系的研究综述 2

    2.3企业社会责任的理论基础 4

    3  房地产企业社会责任评价体系构建 5

    3.1评价体系构建原则 5

    3.2房地产企业社会责任评价指标 5

    3.2.1房地产企业社会责任评价指标的理论分析 5

    3.2.2 确定具体房地产企业社会责任评价体系指标 9

    4  房地产企业社会责任评价方法研究 13

    4.1分析方法选择 13

    4.2层次分析法确定指标权重 13

    4.3房地产企业社会责任的各阶段模糊综合评价 15

    5  万科股份有限公司社会责任评价实证研究 19

    5.1万科股份有限公司概况 19

    5.2万科股份有限公司承担社会责任状况评价 19

    5.2.1确定指标隶属度 19

    5.2.2评价过程分析及结果 21

    6  结论 24

    致谢 25

    参考文献 26

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