

    毕业论文关键词 ST公司 审计师变更 审计意见购买 监管

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title ST company auditor switching of probe into the motivations and thoughts.


    They were established in China's securities market, especially in the last of a dozen years in the stock market has been a huge development, establishing and perfecting the Socialist market economic system has played an important role. But China's securities market and mature securities market (such as the United States, and Japan, and so on) and the emerging stock market (such as Hong Kong, Korea) than in the early stages, with its pervasive earnings manipulation in listed companies, pending specification of the behavior of the Chinese securities market participants, the market is subject to further improvement and development. This article is based on my empirical research does not currently regulate the securities market, completed a ST company auditor switching of probe into the motivations and thoughts.

    Keywords ST company  Switch auditor Thinking about the reason  improvement methods

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1. 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2. 研究框架及研究方法 2

    2 相关概述 3

    2.1. ST公司概述 3

    2.2 会计师事务所变更概述 4

    3 我国ST上市公司审计师变更动因分析 7

    3.1  上市公司审计师变更现状 7

    3.2 ST公司审计师变更现状 8

    3.3 我国ST公司审计师变更的动因 9

    4 我国ST公司审计师变更动因实例分析 15

    4.1 *ST建通简介 16

    4.2 *ST建通变更审计师动因 16

    5 规范我国ST公司审计师变更的思考 18

    5.1 加强对ST公司变更审计师监管 18

    5.2 审计师应谨慎接受ST公司委托 21

    结  论 23

    致  谢

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