


    Abstract: the specific meaning of depreciation of fixed assets is in the scope of the limited use of fixed assets, according to the amount of depreciation of the corresponding amount of depreciation has been determined to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the theory. Used to compute depreciation is not on the assets operation, it itself is not only the capital acquisition way and also the use of funds is not, so depreciation of fixed assets is not representative of the assets within a certain period of time to update and reform. This paper mainly takes the Chinese Tai Yue Limited by Share Ltd as an example, further studies the influence of the depreciation of fixed assets on the profit of the enterprise. Through the research to the depreciation of fixed assets produced important influence factors include the following aspects: first, original value of fixed assets. This is the level of cost of fixed assets; the second is expected net salvage value, and that is when we speculate that and estimation of fixed assets production has reached age, the company from the fixed assets can get rid of expected expenditures needed for processing the remaining amount. Third, the use of fixed assets life, here refers to the small size of the company's ability to produce goods and the production of fixed assets, the total number of. With the continuous expansion of the size of the world market, the world economy as a whole appears the trend of globalization, the Shenzhou Tai Yue Co., Ltd. in the tide of economic globalization fully recognize the speed up construction enterprises own brand Co. potential of the urgency of the pace of innovation efforts.

    Key words: depreciation of fixed assets,shen zhou tai yue,corporate profits,influence

    目  录

    1  引言 5

    2  固定资产折旧的含义及其影响因素 5

    2.1  固定资产折旧的含义 5

    2.2  影响固定资产折旧的因素 5

    3  固定资产的折旧方法含义及公式 6

    3.1  年限平均法 6

    3.2  工作量法 6

    3.3  双倍余额递减法 6

    3.4  年数总和法 7

    4  不同因素下固定资产折旧方法对企业利润的影响

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