
    摘  要:随着我国城市化的迅猛发展,房地产行业得到了空前大发展,成为中国经济的支柱产业之一。我国房地产企业被夹在政策和市场之间,经常需要适时地调控。如何有效加强和改善房地产企业的资金运作,成为房地产企业必须面临的问题。房地产企业在日常运营时,一方面要加强内部资金的有效管理,另一方面,要改善资金的管理使用,提高资金运用效能,才能够降低企业资金的运营风险。同时,房地产企业资金管理的效果程度有赖于该企业整体财务管理水平的高低。本文基于以华润置地为典型案例,讨论了当前房地产企业在资金管理上存在的问题并提出一些相关的对策。69773


    Abstract:With the rapid development of Chinese urbanization, the real estate industry has required an unprecedented development, and become one mainstay industries of Chinese economy. Chinese real estate enterprises are clamped between the policy and the market, often need some adjustments to adapt to the changing times. How to strengthen and improve the real estate enterprises’ capital operations, has become the real problem that estate enterprises must to solve. Real estate enterprises operates in daily, on one hand to strengthen the effective management of built-in funds, on the other hand to improve the use of funds control and to strengthen capital’ use of the effectiveness,so that to reduce the operational risk of working funds. The degree of real estate enterprise funds management depends on the level of the overall financial management. In this graduation thesis, based on CHINA RES LAND as the typical case, discusses the problems of financial management existing in real estate enterprises and puts forward some related countermeasures.

    Keywords: Real estate enterprises, funds managements, final managements,innovation research 

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  华润置地房产企业资金管理总述 3

    2.1  资金管理的涵义 3

    2.2  资金管理在华润置地房产企业经济管理中的作用 3

    3  当前华润置地房产企业资金管理存在问题的方面 3

    3.1  资金管理体制不完备 3

    3.2  资金管理的目标定位不准确 4

    3.3  资金管理内容模式落后 5

    3.4  高素质财务人员缺少 5

    3.5  办公系统缺乏高效统一 5

    4  华润置地房产企业资金管理创新对提高企业经济效益的作用 5

    4.1  华润置地房产企业资金管理改进的措施 6

    4.2  整改内部控制存在的缺陷 8

    4.3  华润置地房产企业创新资金管理模式对经济效益的提升 8

    5  华润置地房产企业资金管理模式创新的对策 10

    5.1  改善资金管理理念 11

    5.2  强化资金管理 11

    5.3  完善资金内部控制制度 12

    5.4  提升财务人员素质 13

    5.5  企业资金管理信息化 13


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