


    Financial Statement Analysis of Apple Inc.

    Abstract:In terms of content, the analysis of the financial information and data based on the enterprise is the financial statement analysis, which is basically the same as the financial analysis. With the help of financial analysis and implementation of the work, to better understand the financial situation of enterprises, but also on the overall development of the enterprise operation has a relatively clear grasp. Business financial situation, changes in funds, etc., can be reflected from the financial statements, but only look at the figures on the report can not fully reflect the financial situation of a company, but can’t accurately judge the overall business development level , In this case, the combination of corporate financial analysis and other analysis in order to achieve its financial status of the scientific, holistic and comprehensive grasp, we can see that the development of financial statements have a high practical value. Apple Inc., for example in this paper, with its past five years of financial statements provide the basic information, calculate various financial indicators, then combining financial ratio analysis with SWOT analysis method, through longitudinal transverse comparison analysis, the reasons and the corresponding conclusions.

    Key words:financial statement analysis; SWOT analysis; financial target; Apple Inc

    目  录


    一、苹果公司概况 ……………………………………………………………………………2





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