



    Profitability of retail listed companies

    ——taking Suning Appliance as an example

    ABSTRACT:As the retail industry is inseparable with the society,in recent years,due to changes in domestic and international economic envirnment,has been a huge impact.Therefore increasing profitability is one of the important tasks of the retail industry companies.

    Based on the profitability of the relevant research at home and abroad,first of all,we make an analysis on the retail industry’s overall profitability,using the factor analysis to calculate the comprehensive factor score of the retail industry,and then taking it as the dependent variable ,using linear regression analysis to get the main factors and their impact.Secondly,from financial point of view,taking Suning Appliance as an example,select the rate of return on net assets as the key indicators of decomposition analysis by the Du Pont System to get the factors,then compare with the industry average. Finally,according to the research results,we put forward some suggestions to improve the profitability of the retail industry.

    Key words:Retail industry; Suning Appliance; Profitability; Empirical research; The Du Pont System

    目    录

    摘要 I


    目    录 III

    一、 绪论 1

    (一)研究背景及目的 1

    (二)研究意义 1

    (三)研究方法 2

    (四)研究内容及框架 2

    二、 国内外研究综述 4

    (一)国外盈利能力研究综述 4

    (二)国内盈利能力研究综述 4

    (三)国内外研究小结 4

    三、零售行业盈利能力整体分析 6

    (一)我国零售行业的发展现状 6

    (二)我国零售行业盈利能力现状分析 6

    四、我国零售业上市公司盈利能力实证研究 8

    (一)因子分析 8

    (二)相关性分析 10

    (三)回归分析 11

    五、基于杜邦模型的盈利能力因素分析——以苏宁云商为例 14

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