


    The Research of Internal Control System

    Abstract:The 21st century is the era of economic globalization, the old and new system of alternating almost happens every day, but for some enterprises which lack of internal control consciousness, the corresponding internal control system is not implemented, leading to some representative cases of financial fraud and audit failure. Under this background, this article on the basis of the relevant theoretical knowledge of the internal control system, to our country enterprise in the aspect of internal control system present situation and causes of the status quo of the normative analysis, and cited the example of JI HUA company specialized case analysis, from the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring, the five elements, the measures to perfect the internal control system is studied. This to promote enterprises to establish a perfect internal control system, keep up with the tide of times development, promote the healthy and continuous development of our enterprise has important practical significance.

    Key Words: Internal control system;Normative analysis;Case analysis ;Measures

    目    录

    摘    要 I

    Abstract II

    目    录 II

    一、 引言 2

    (一)选题背景 2

    (二)研究意义 2

    二、 国内外研究现状 2

    (一)国外研究现状 2

    (二)国内研究现状 2

    (三)发展趋势 2

    三、 内部控制制度的规范分析 2

    (一)内部控制制度相关理论 2

    (二)我国企业内部控制制度的现状及成因分析 2

    四、 以计华公司内部控制制度为例的案例分析 2

    (一)计华公司简介 2

    (二)计华公司的内部组织结构 2

    (三)计华公司内部控制制度问题分析 2

    五、 完善内部控制制度的措施 2

    (一)塑造良好的企业文化 2

    (二)提高管理层的综合管理水平 2

    (三)建立合适的风险评估系统 2

    (四)加强企业的控制活动 2

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