    本设计的硬件电路设计使用Proteus软件完成,软件设计使用Keil uvison3进行编译,最后再通过Proteus软件进行仿真调试。文章中将详细介绍各个模块的硬件设计过程和软件的编译。
    关键词  电梯控制系统  单片机  AT89C52  Proteus Keil  uvision3
    Title    The elevator control system design based on single chip microcomputer
    This article shows a four floor elevator control system based on AT89C52 single-chip computer. The system consists of four modules, namely MCU control module, keyboard module, display module, reset circuit and clock circuit. The internal and external keys are of matrix keyboard and the inner and outer display both use seven-segment digital tube.
    This design improves the operation function. The instant direction of the elevator and the current floor can be shown. There are both “up” and “down” buttons on the keyboards of the second floor and the third floor, while only a “up” button for the first floor and a “down” button for the fourth floor. A console control circuit can be used for controlling the start and stop of the elevator.
    This design uses Proteus for hardware circuit, Keil uvison3 for compiling the software and Proteus for simulation debugging at the last stage. The hardware design procedure of each module and the software compiling will be described in this article in detail.
    Keywords  elevator control system、single-chip computer、 AT89C52,Proteus、 Keil uvision3
    目   次
    1  引言…1
    1.2电梯的起源与发展 1
    1.2  课题的目的与研究前景1
    1.3  电梯的发展趋势与主要研究方向2
    2  总体方案的论证… 3
    2.1 主控芯片 …  3
    2.2  LED显示模块  3
    2.3  按键模块  3
    3  硬件电路设计  4
    3.1  系统结构框图  4
    3.2  控制核心AT89C52…4
    3.3  显示模块的设计7
    3.4  按键模块的设计…9
    3.5  最小系统的设计…10
    4  系统软件的设计… 12
    4.1  主程序的设计12
    4.2  子程序的设计14
    5  仿真与调试16
    5.1  Proteus软件简介…16
    5.2  仿真结果图…17
    致谢 … 21

    附录一  仿真系统电路图 … 23
    附录二  C语言源程序 …24
    1 引言
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