



    Accounting information system security risk and its prevention


    In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, the development of accounting information system can not be separated from the network to promote the role of. Under the environment of network accounting information system to help enterprises achieve the coordination of financial and business operation, remote statements, reimbursement, audit, audit and other processing, the impact of the financial information access and utilization. The popularity of network accounting information system provides people with high quality information services. But it can not be denied that, because of the openness of the Internet and the instability of the system itself and other features, resulting in a lot of security risks.

    The on the theoretical basis of accounting information system security, system combined with the basic situation and development process in our country, more detailed analysis the problems existing in current China's accounting information system security, including computer viruses, hacker attacks, the system of internal number according to information disclosure, internal control to lose the role system operational risk. Based on the analysis of the causes of the security risks of the accounting information system, combined with the examples of enterprises, from the perspective of external environment and internal control ineffective. And finally puts forward the corresponding risk control measures according to these factors: on the one hand from the outside to strengthen management hardware, while guarding against viruses, hackers; on the other hand, to strengthen the internal control, including business process control, authority control level and system operator control.

    Key words: network; accounting information system; accounting information system security; risk-prevention


    摘要 I


    目录 III

    一  绪论 1

    (一) 课题研究背景 1

    (二) 课题研究意义 1

    (三) 文献综述 1

    (四) 主要的研究内容及方法 2

    二  会计信息系统安全的理论基础 3

    (一) 会计信息系统的理论基础

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  9. 盐城市海源有限公司平衡计分卡的应用

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