

    毕业论文关键词: 金融行业;管理会计;应用研究;

    The Research of Application on the Management Accounting in Financial Industry

    Abstract: In this paper, management accounting has been studied in the application of China's financial industry. Through the comparative analysis of the application of management accounting at home and abroad, and combining with the specific cases of China's financial industry application management accounting, this paper clarifies the problems existing in the application management accounting process of China's financial industry. In the process of application of management accounting, there are some problems such as weak information system facilities, poor risk control consciousness, low emphasis on management accounting, low application of accounting computerization and insufficient control of cost accounting in China's financial industry. China's financial industry should increase the application of management accounting, establish the accounting information system perfect, enhance risk control ability of enterprises, strengthen the understanding of the function of management accounting, management accounting research and development of intelligent software, to improve the cost accounting and control

    Key words: Financial Industry; management accounting;  Application Research


    引  言

    一、概述 2

    (一) 管理会计的概念 2

    (二) 金融行业的概述 2

    (三) 金融行业运用管理会计的目标 2

    (四) 金融行业中运用管理会计的方法 3

    1、 成本性态分析 3

    2、 本、量、利盈亏平衡分析法 3

    3、 经营决策分析 3

    二、管理会计在金融行业运用的现状及存在的问题 4

    (一) 管理会计在国外金融行业中运用的现状 4

    (二) 管理会计在国内金融行业中的运用现状 4

    (三) 我国金融行业运用管理会计存在的不足 5

    1、 管理会计信息系统设施薄弱 5

    2、 风险控制意识差 6

    3、 缺乏对管理会计作用的重视 7

    4、 会计电算化的应用程度一般 7

    5、 成本核算控制存在问题 8

    三、管理会计在金融行业应用中解决问题的对策 8

    (一) 建立健全的会计信息系统 8

    (二) 增强企业风险控制

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