


    Abstract: Because the capital development of our country has just started, the adjustment of capital structure is not very seriously, and now the development of science and technology have a qualitative leap in the pursuit of mature development after people began to their company's capital structure began to adjust. And many enterprises in the GEM companies in China's national economy also plays a very important role. In order to improve the company's vitality and competitiveness, improve enterprise's production structure, enhance the enterprise's comprehensive strength, enterprises will have to face the international financial impact of risk mitigation and improvement of the capital structure of enterprises is imperative, the gem of the Pathfinder company as an example, to enterprise's capital structure analysis, research the various factors of their mutual influence, in order to achieve the interests of enterprises the most big standard.

    Key words: capital structure,gem,toread

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    1.1研究的目的和意义 3

    1.1.1研究的目的 3

    1.1.2研究的意义 3

    1.2国内外的研究 3

    1.3探路者公司资本结构的特点 4

    1.4探路者公司的研究内容 4

    2  资本结构的概述 5

    2.1资本结构的概念 5

    2.2企业资本结构的特征 5

    2.3企业资本结构的构成 6

    2.3.1债务结构 6

    2.3.2负债权益比 6

    3  探路者公司资本结构影响因素 6

    3.1探路者公司的资产结构 6

    3.2企业的规模的大小 7

    3.3探路者公司的盈利能力 7

    4  优化探路者公司资本结构的建议 10

    4.1改善单一的融资结构 10

    4.2优化存货在资产中的比例 10

    4.3优化企业的成本 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致    谢 14

    1  引言


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