    Study on microbial electrode method for the determination of BOD in surface water
    Abstract: Biochemical oxygen demand is a comprehensive indicator of the level of organic pollution of water body, Widely used in water monitoring. in this paper, using microbial electrode method for measuring surface water content of biochemical oxygen demand and standards, And with dilution method for measuring results using statistical methods for comparative analysis. Using microbial electrode method and other common comparison principle and advantages and disadvantages analysis of BOD determination methods, BOD fast Analyzer to discussion of the factors affecting the results. Experimental results show that PH in 7-7.5, under conditions of temperature at 20 ° c ± 1 ° c, precision up to 3.1%-4.3%, accuracy up to 2.6%.Quality control chart no out of control, precision and accuracy is satisfactory. Microbial electrode method has high sensitivity and low detection limits, the characteristics of simple and rapid, fully able to meet the monitoring needs.
    Key Words: Microbial electrode method, biochemical oxygen demand, factors influencing, the standard deviation
    目 录
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景.1
    1.2  研究意义与内容.2
    2  水样中化学需氧量测定方法..3
    2.1  常见的化学需氧量测定方法..3
    2.1.5  稀释接种法    3
    2.1.2  基于氧荧光猝灭速率法4
    2.1.3  测压法    5
    2.1.4  活性污泥曝气法    5
    2.1.5  微生物电极法    6
    2.2  微生物电极法影响因素    7
    2.2.1  微生物膜    7
    2.2.2  PH    7
    2.2.3  温度..7
    3    微生物电极法快速测定BOD实验部分    8
    3.1  实验及工作原理    8
    3.2  实验方案的确定    8
    3.3  实验装置及流程    9
    3.4  水样采集    12
    3.5  实验试剂及仪器    13
    3.6  实验方法    15
    4    实验结果与讨论    16
    4.1  温度对用微生物电极法测定标样结果的影响    16
    4.2  pH对用微生物电极法测定标样结果的影响    17
    4.3  仪器对测定标样结果的影响    18
    4.4  温度对运用传统五日法测定标样BOD值的影响    19
    4.5  不同稀释倍数对传统五日法测定样品的影响    20
    4.6  精密度、准确度    21
    4.7  可比性,相关性    22
    4.8  质量控制图    22
    5    结论与建议    24
          5.1  结论.24
          5.2  建议.25
    1. 引言
    1.1 选题背景
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