    摘要: 20XX年9月至20XX年4月,通过100个2 m × 0.5 m调查样方,研究了南京中山门至琵琶湖段明城墙基部文管植物的物种多样性。调查到文管植物共计6325株,分别隶属于48科68属68种;其中蕨类植物3科3属3种共计337株,被子植物45科65属65种共计5988株。在植物传播方式方面,适应于鸟类传播的有26种1443株,适应于风力传播的植物有28种4498株,传播媒介不明确的植物有14种1809株。城墙基部植物中,乡土植物共计62种5796株,外来植物6种439株。此外,分析了城墙基部附近植物资源多样性及其生态功能,以期为南京城市生物多样性管理提供参考资料。26197
    Study on the persity of vascular plants inhabiting near the base of  Nanjing city wall of the Ming Dynasty between ZhongShan Gate and PiPa Lake
    Abstract:From September 2016 to April 2017, the persity of vascular plants inhabiting near the base of Nanjing city wall of the Ming Dynasty between Zhongshan Gate and Pipa Lake has been studied, by means of 100 2 m × 0.5 m quadrats along the base of the city wall.In total, 68 species with 6325 plant inpiduals were recorded, belonging to 68 genera and 48 families. Ferns consisted of 3 species with 337 inpiduals,belonging to 3 genera and 3 families; flowering plants consisted of 65 species with 5988 inpiduals, belonging to 65 genera and 45 families. On considering dispersal mechanisms,1443 inpiduals of 26 species were adapted to bird seed dispersal,4498 inpiduals of 28 species were adapted to wind dispersal; but the dispersal mode of the other 1809 inpiduals of 14 species was uncertain. Among the vascular plants near the base of the city wall, 62 species with 5796 inpiduals are native plants, and 6 species with 439 inpiduals are alien plants. In addition, the varied plant resources and their ecological values are also analyzed, so as to provide some basic data for the management of the urban biopersity of Nanjing.
    Key words: Nanjing city wall of the Ming Dynasty;Basal vegetation;Plant persity;Invasive plants;Urban biopersity
    目  录
    1 研究地点与方法2
    1.1 研究地点.2
    1.2 研究方法.2
    1.2.1 城墙基部植物调查样方的设置..2
    1.2.2 植物鉴定..3
    2 南京明城墙基部文管植物多样性分析3
    2.1 城墙基部文管植物种类组成特点.3
    2.2 城墙基部文管植物的生活型特点.5
    3 南京明城墙基部文管植物的传播机制6
    3.1 城墙基部种子植物的果实及种子特征.6
    3.2 城墙基部文管植物种子来源及其传播方式.6
    4 城墙基部的乡土植物与入侵植物的利弊分析7
    4.1 城墙基部乡土植物的资源价值分析.7
    4.2 城墙基部入侵植物的利弊分析.8
    5 南京明城墙基部文管植物的资源多样性分析8
    5.1 药用价值.9
    5.2 食用价值.9
    5.3 生态价值...10
    6 总结与讨论..10
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