
    摘要论文通过对高中生的环境意识和培养现状的调查分析,探讨更适合且更高效 的高中生环境意识培养策略,以增强高中生的环境意识,成为一名有环保素质的 社会公民。

    以常州市某高级中学为调查研究案例,运用问卷调查的方法,获取其高一年 级实验班和普通班学生的环境意识现状资料,综合分析调查对象在环境知识、环 境态度、环境的观察与评价、环境预期行为、环境教育参与度等方面的环境意识 现状,发现存在以下问题:学校环境教育缺乏实践性,内容缺乏系统性等。69065

    教学材料、教学方法、课程设置、课外实践、教学环境等方而提出若干提 升对策:课程教材与课外信息相结合;选修课程与环境教育相结合;理论知识与 实践活动相结合;环境熏陶与行为培养相结合。

    毕业论文关键词:环境意识 培养现状 地理教育 高中生

    Study on the Environmental Awareness Train Current Situation of High School Students and Strategy in Geography Education

    —Take Certain High School in Changzhou as the Example


    Paper through the environmental awareness of students and the present situation of investigation and analysis, to explore better and more efficient high environmental consciousness cultivation strategies, in order to enhance environmental awareness of the high school students, and make them become the environmental literate citizens.

    Take certain high school in Changzhou as the case study of investigation, utilize the method of questionnaire survey, gains environmental awareness present situation materials of its grade one experimental class and normal class student’s, generalized analysis the present condition of investigation object in aspects of environment knowledge, environmental attitudes, and environmental participation , in view of existence questions, such as the lack of practical activity in environmental education, the lack of systematicness in its content and so on,

    Proposes certain promotion counter measures from aspects of teaching material , course installation, and teaching environment: curriculum combined with extracurricular information; courses combined with environmental education; combination of theory and practice; combined environment edification and behavior training.

    Key  Words:  Environmental  Awareness Train   Current  Situation Geography Education High School Students

    摘要 I


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 环境意识的概念 1

    1.2 环境意识培养的理论基础 2

    1.2.1 环境伦理学和可持续发展观 2

    1.2.2 地理科学和高中地理课程标准 2

    1.3 国内外环境意识培养进展 2

    1.3.1 国外环境意识培养进展 2

    1.3.2 国内环境意识培养进展 3

    2 高中生环境意识的调查分析 3

    2.1 问卷的设计与实施 3

    2.1.1 问卷的设计 3

    2.1.2 问卷的实施 4

    2.2 调查结果

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