    摘要:水稻直穗病(Straigh thead)是水稻的一种生理疾病,在水稻成熟后穗由于畸形的颖壳无法结实直立而得名。在严重感病品种发病时将造成极大的产量损失。在先前的研究中,砷元素已被论证是导致直穗病的因素之一。在不同时期对水稻进行不同砷形态的处理时,发现仅有在对孕穗期的水稻进行DMA处理时可以观察到类似直穗病的表型。通过对发病区水稻的砷形态和总量的检测,并对发病区水稻土进行厌氧培养,发现水稻颖壳与穗中的DMA积累是造成直穗病的主要原因,且植物吸收的DMA来源于土壤孔隙水中微生物参与的砷形态转化。29692
    Study on the Relationship between Straighthead disease and the Accumulation of DMA
    Abstract:Straighthead disease, a physiological disorder characterized by sterile florets and distorted spikelets, causes significant yield losses in rice.By previous studies,arsenic is considered as the most important one in straighthead disorder. In the processing of rice for different period of the different arsenic forms, it found that only observed similar Straighthead phenotype when booting stage of rice for DMA treatment. According to the arsenic accumulation and speciation in the disease zone and the text of put the paddy soil in pathogenesis area.We finally found that the accumulation of DMA is the major occurrence of straighthead disease. And the DMA in rice mainly derived from soil, by the process of the microbial arsenic(As) methylation.
    Key words: Straighthead; DMA; Arsenic methylation
    摘要:    4
    关键词:    4
    Abstract:    4
    Key words:     4
    引言:    4
    1. 砷的基本性质    5
    2. 砷在环境中的生物化学循环    5
    2.1. 砷在环境中的迁移途径    5
    2.2. 砷在土壤中的生物甲基化与去甲基化    5
    2.2.1. 砷的甲基化过程    5
    2.2.2. 甲机砷的去甲基过程    5
    3. 国内外研究现状    6
    实验材料与方法:    6
    1. 实验材料:    6
    2. 实验方法:    7
    2.1 籽粒及颖壳中总砷的测定方法    7
    2.2 籽粒及颖壳中砷形态的测定:    7
    2.3 土壤孔隙水中砷形态的测定方法:    7
    实验一:水稻直穗病田间调查与植物样品分析    8
    1. 实验目的    8
    2. 采样地点    8
    3. 样品分析    8
    4. 结果与讨论    8
    实验二:直穗病发病区水稻土厌氧培养    11
    1. 实验目的    11
    2. 供试土壤    11
    3. 实验设置    11
    4. 结果与讨论    11
    实验三: 土壤孔隙水中DMA与水稻积累DMA的相关性(Binding)分析    12
    1. 实验目的    12
    2. 结果分析与讨论    12
    总结    12
    讨论    13
    参考文献:    14
    As (arsenic)                          砷
    As(III) (arsenhe)                      无机三价砷
    As(V) (arsenate)                      无机五价砷
    MMA(V) (methylarsenate)              单甲基砷
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