

    Osmanthus is one of the Ten flower in China .It is a rare species of ornamental and practical, in the cultivation of Chinese osmanthus 2,500 years of history. But can a small number of strong osmanthus trees, seed rate, seed and has a deep sleep after the maturity characteristics. Osmanthus breeding has been a lot of research as scientists. The young author osmanthus flower organs were osmanthus flower buds start with tissue culture studies, the use of part of the Fantasy Taiwan Pavilion Osmanthusfragrans easily obtained, four flowering characteristics, in vitro method for plant tissue culture, explore the flower buds suitable culture medium during culture recipes, find the best disinfectant time petals, petal light affect the growth of callus, and the effect of liquid culture, silver nitrate inhibition of flower bud callus browning effects, and successfully bred osmanthus plants.  

    毕业论文关键词:桂花;花芽; 离体繁殖; 植物激素

      Keyword: Osmanthus fragrans’petals; in vitro propagation; plant hormone


    材料与方法 - 4 -

    1.1外植体的选取 - 4 -

    1.2外植体表面消毒 - 4 -

    1.3培养基 - 4 -

    1.4接种与观察 - 4 -

    实验与结果 - 5 -

    2.1不同灭菌时间对花芽培养的效果 - 5 -

    2.1.1材料 - 5 -

    2.1.2培养基 - 5 -

    2.1.4结果 - 5 -

    2.2不同TDZ浓度对花芽愈伤化的效果 - 6 -

    2.2.2培养基: - 6 -

    2.2.4结果 - 7 -

    2.2.5现象分析 - 8 -

    2.3硝酸银抑制花芽愈伤组织褐化的效果 - 8 -

    2.3.2培养基 - 8 -

    2.4探究愈伤组织形成过程中褐色化是否跟其接触面积有关。 - 10 -

    2.4.1材料 - 10 -

    2.4.2培养基 - 10 -

    2.4.3灭菌处理 - 10 -

    2.4.4结果 - 10 -

    2.4.5现象分析 - 11 -

    2.5光照对愈伤组织形成过程中颜色影响 - 11 -

    2.5.1材料 - 11 -

    2.5.2培养基 - 12 -

    2.5.3结果 - 12 -

    2.5.4现象分析 - 13 -

    2.6天香台阁花芽愈伤组织形成过程 - 13 -


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