


    Kinetics of kidneys of mice after oral administration of rutin by the original drug excretion

    Kewen College, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou,Jiangsu,221116,China

    Abstract:Rutin is a kind of medicine, it's a crystal (water), which looks like a pale yellow needle. Rutin also has many other names, such as yunxianggan, yunxiangyegan, ludingyunxianggan and so on. It can be used to prevent stroke, hypertension, retinal hemorrhage, peliosis and acute hemorrhagic nephritis. The development of rutin's research is so rapidly that we can use lots of modern methods and technique to enrich the basic study of traditional Chinese medicine. Improving rutin's solution rate and biological availability are very important. In this essay, we mainly to discuss rutin's pharmacokinetics study after runtin entering into the body of mice. We will use the High Performance Liquid Chromatography to observe rutin's renal excretion of technical change in mice's body. We also have to research rutin's decomposition situation and its degradation affect to the mice's urine. Rutin's degradation rate to the urine at different time and its form after excreting from the body are also included. We hope this research can help us find out a better and more convenient way to study rutin.

    Keywords:Rutin; High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); Pharmacokinetics; Renal excretion of the original drug


    前言 4

    1 材料与方法 4

    1.1供试材料 4

    1.2芦丁的获得和储藏 5

    1.3用高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测分析芦丁并建立相关标准曲线 5

    1.4芦丁直接放入小鼠原尿中的回收率 5

    1.5芦丁放入尿以后在不同时间的降解率 6

    1.6不同时间所收集尿中芦丁的含量变化 6

    2结果与分析 6

    2.1芦丁标准品的HPLC色谱图 6

    2.2芦丁标准品的标准曲线 7

    2.3不同浓度芦丁直接放入尿中的回收率 7

    2.4不同时间尿对芦丁的分解变化 8

    2.5 不同时间所收集尿中的芦丁的含量变化 9

    2.6芦丁标准品的HPLC色谱图及其标准曲线的分析 9

    2.7不同浓度的芦丁直接放入尿中的回收率的分析 9

    2.8不同时间尿对芦丁的降解变化的分析 10

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