
    摘要:此次毕业论文主要以黄顶红番茄和白果强丰番茄 2 种常见的食用型番茄品种作为实 验材料,分别利用 RNAi 技术和化学诱变,观察并筛选基因改性番茄后代。

    研究主要通过观察 T2 代和 M1 代番茄的种子表型,观察其幼苗性状以及果实性状, 同时辅以测定转基因番茄的光响应曲线,叶绿素含量及植物细胞的失水率等数据,指导新 品种选育研究,提高育种效率。主要研究结果如下:66294

    1. 顶端分生组织丧失,mcm2 表达量的降低的导致转基因番茄表型出现了明显的变化, 发芽的番茄幼苗主根断裂消失,转基因的番茄幼苗顶端分生组织丧失,mcm2 表达量降低 会影响到番茄主根和顶芽的发育。

    2.转基因番茄的基因变化导致植物细胞内的叶绿素含量增加,叶绿素 a、b 的比值有 所上升。从叶绿素 a、b 的比值升高的角度来看转基因番茄耐阴性有所提升,但是联系光 响应曲线图,转基因番茄在弱光环境下光合速率一直低于对照组,转基因番茄耐阴性却下 降了,因此推断,mcm2 表达量的降低会影响叶绿素 a、b 的含量以及比值。

    3.种子发育异常(胚胎败育),观察转基因番茄代转基因和化学诱变的种子表型以及 测定发芽率,收获 T3 代番茄种子和 M2 代番茄种子后做对比。

    毕业论文关键词: 转基因番茄 ,mcm2,化学诱变,RNAi,基因改良

    Analysis of Progenies of genetically modified tomato


    This thesis mainly Dinghong Baiguoqiangfeng yellow tomatoes and tomato 2 common edible tomato varieties as experimental materials, using RNAi technology and chemical mutagenesis, observation and screening of genetically modified tomato offspring.

    This research mainly through seed phenotypes observed in T2 and M1 generation of tomato, observe the seedling traits and fruit traits, supplemented by the determination of the transgenic tomato light response curve, chlorophyll content and plant cell loss rate data, breeding of new varieties of guidance, improve breeding efficiency. The main results are as follows:

    The apical meristem loss, MCM2 expression decrease in transgenic tomato phenotype appeared obvious changes, the germination of tomato seedling root fracture disappeared, transgenic tomato seedling apical meristem loss, decreased MCM2 expression level will affect the tomato root and terminal bud development.

    Genetic variation of transgenic tomato increased, the chlorophyll content in plant cells of chlorophyll a, the ratio of B increased. The chlorophyll a, the ratio of B increased the perspective of shade tolerance of transgenic tomato has improved, but the relation of light response curve diagram in transgenic tomato under the weak light environment  of photosynthetic rate was lower than control group, GM negative tolerance of tomato declined, suggesting that MCM2 expression decreases affect chlorophyll a, B content and the ratio.

    Seed development was abnormal (embryo abortion). The seed phenotype of transgenic tomato and the chemical mutation were observed, and the germination rate was determined. The results were compared with the T3 generation tomato seeds and M2 generation tomato seeds.

    Key words: transgenic tomato;, Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins , Chemical mutagenesis,RNA interference  ,Gene modification


    STD 标准差

    RNAi RNA 干扰

    DES 硫酸二乙酯

    Wt 野生型

    MAS 分子标记育种

    Pn 叶片光合作用速率


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