
    摘  要:本文研究了菇渣还田对于后茬黄瓜根围土壤中氮元素的影响。在草菇-黄瓜轮作模式中,我们分别在菇渣翻耕前,菇渣翻耕后1天、1周、3周、7周、11周、15周采集黄瓜根围土壤进行检测。结果表明菇渣对土壤中氮的影响比较显著,其中全氮含量相对于对照组在一天后下降了0.9%,从第1周到第15周分别增加了4.3%、4.4%、3%、3.4%、4.5%。碱解氮含量均高于对照组,1周后和3周后相对于对照组变化比较显著,分别增加了17.7%,26.2%。脲酶吸光值和酶活都是负数,脲酶酶活力变化与土壤全氮、碱解氮的变化不协调,这些与预期的实验结果相反,需对测定酶活的过程进行改正。综上所述,草菇菇渣还田能更好地为土壤提供持续的氮素营养,对实际生产具有指导意义。57579


    Abstract: In this study we aimed to detect the impacts of mushroom on the content of nitrogen  of cucumber rhizosphere soil after treated. First soil samples were collected 1 day before treated and 1 day, 1 week, 3 week, 7 week, 11 week and 15 week post treated. Then the content of phosphorus was detected. Based on the results we can indicated that the mushroom residue has significant impact on the rhizosphere soil. The content of total nitrogen decreased by 0.9% on 1day.And the content of total nitrogen among 1 week to 15 week post treated increased 4.3%、4.4%、3%、3.4%、4.5% compared to the control. And alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen was higher than the control. The alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen increased 17.7% 、26.2% among 1 week to 3 week post treated.Both absorbance value of urease and the enzyme activity are negative. The changes of urease activity、total nitrogen and alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen were not coordinate,which was not according to the expected result. The determination of enzyme activity was corrected.Above all, the mushroom residue could provide continue nitrogen for rhizosphere soil.These data will provide theoretical guidance for practical production.

    Keywords: melon mushroom rotation, mushroom residue, N, urease 

    目   录

    1  引言 3

    材料与方法 3

    2.1试验设计 3

    2.1.1 介绍草菇-黄瓜轮作模式 3

    2.1.2 土壤采集方式 4

    2.1.3 肥力检测方法 4

    2.1.4 酶活测定原理及方法 4

    2.1.5 数据分析 4

    3  结果与分析 5

    3.1 不同采样时间土壤肥力指标的变化情况 5

    3.1.1 不同采样时间全氮指标的变化情况 5

    3.1.2 不同采样时间碱解氮指标的变化情况 6

    3.2 不同采样时间土壤脲酶指标的变化情况 5

    3.2.1 不同采样时间脲酶吸光值、酶活的变化情况 5

    3.3 不同采样时间土壤脲酶与土壤中全氮和碱解氮的关系 5

    结  论 7

    参考文献 8

    致  谢 9

     1  引言


  1. 上一篇:瓜菇轮作模式中菇渣还田对黄瓜根围土壤有机质及相关酶活性的影响
  2. 下一篇:不同酸化条件下小麦植株根系的氮素利用研究
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