

    毕业论文关键词:白菜  叶绿体发育  质体  基因表达

    Physiological and molecular differences of chloroplast biogenesis between leaf and flower in cabbage


    Cabbage is widely cultivated in China, it takes up domestic market as one of the vegetables. Because it is easy and durable to store, the planting area is the largest in the world. Although much information regarding the chloroplast and chromoplast biogenesis has been accumulated in recent years, details of the physiological and molecular differences between green tissues and colorful chromoplast tissues are still poorly understood. In this study, the levels of pigment accumulation and the expression of genes involved in chloroplast biogenesis were analyzed among the two tissues: leaves and open flowers in cabbage. The results showed that petals contained much less chlorophyll contents and a lower ratio of Chl a/b, but contained higher carotenoid contents compared with that of leaves as expected. In addition, data obtained from biochemical studies were correlated with those at the mRNA level, the transcripts of almost all the chlorophyll biosynthetic genes (especially the downstream structural genes) were higher in leaves than in petals. Collectively, the results increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying tissue-specific chloroplast development in plants.

    目  录

    1.前言 5

    2.材料与试剂 6

    2.1 植物原料 6

        2.2试剂 6

    3.仪器与方法叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的测定 6

    3.1色素的提取 6

    3.2提取RNA 7

        3.3.白菜总RNA反转录 8

    4.结果分析与讨论 8

    4.1.组织中叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的积累 8

    4.2.不同组织中叶绿素生物合成基因的表达谱 10

    5.讨论 13

    致谢 14

    参考文献 15 


    叶绿体是植物的重要细胞器,用于某些真核生物的光合作用和许多其他的生物合成过程发生的场所,叶绿体生物合成包括一系列复杂事件,可分为三个步骤 (Mullet, 1993),第一步涉及质体复制和DNA合成的激活。第二步,核编码叶绿体RNA聚合酶(NEP)优先转录质体基因编码基因的表达,这一步是叶绿体的“堆积”的步骤(hajdukiewicz et al.,1997)。在最后一步中,编码光合器官的细胞核与质体基因高度表达,而质体基因主要由质体编码的RNA聚合酶转录 (Kusumi et al., 2010)。叶绿素是一种重要的色素,负责吸收太阳能,在反应中心进行电荷分离和电子运输。最近的研究已经确定了被子植物植物拟南芥叶绿素生物合成的全部步骤:二十七基因编码的十五种酶(Beale,2005)。

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