

    毕业论文关键词:硅元素; 芦苇; 地理因子; 环境因子

    Abstract Silicon is an essential element fou Gramineae and sedges, and for other plants  the presence of silicon is also beneficial to its growth. Reed widely distributed in most parts of China, which has important economic, ecological value. The test selection reed as objects to study the distribution pattern within the silicon element content of the leaves and the cause of the geographic distribution pattern. The results showed that reed leaves accumulate a large number of silicon element. Chinese reed blades silicon element content showed a certain geographic distribution patterns, the specific performance decreases with the increase of longitude, latitude and increases with increasing. The reason is that reed blades silicon element content and environmental factors have a close relationship, the specific performance: (1)With the increase of the average annual temperature rise After rising first down; (2)With the increase of the average annual precipitation decreases; (3)With the increase of the annual average wind speed increases; (4)With the significant increase after increase soil available silicon content decrease slowly at first, but the overall trend showed a significant increase.

    Key words: Silicon element; reed; Geographical Factors; Environmental Factors 

    目    录

    1.前言 3

    1.1芦苇 3

    1.2硅 4

    1.3研究内容 5

    2.方法 5

    2.1采样方法 5

    2.2实验方法 6

    2.2.1芦苇叶片硅含量的测定 6

    2.2.2土壤有效硅的测定 6

    2.3气候因子数据提取 7

    3.结果 7

    3.1芦苇叶片硅含量特征 7

    3.2芦苇叶片硅含量与地理因子的关系 7

    3.3芦苇叶片硅含量与环境因子的关系 8

    3.3.1与温度因子的关系 9

    3.3.2与降水的关系 11

    3.3.3与土壤有效硅的关系 12

    3.3.4与风速的关系 12

    4.讨论 13

    4.1 芦苇叶片中的硅含量 13

    4.2 芦苇叶片硅含量与地理因子的关系 14

    4.3芦苇叶片硅含量与环境因子的关系 14


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