


    Abstract: Trihelix transcription factor family plays an important role in the process of anti-stress and growing development in plant. In our study, rice genome data were collected from rice genome sequencing database. The structure, evolution relation, conserved motifs, tissue expression, and the response to root, stem tissue’s expression in different hormones and the homologous relationship of Trihelix transcription factor family among rice, Brochypodium distachyon and Sorghum bicolor were researched by bioinformatics method including the softewares and the website databases. The results show 30 trihelix genes were identified in rice genome and protein amino acid number is between 89aa and 725aa. Trihelix genes have high conserved motif and have a certain linear relationship between different chromosomes. In addition, this gene family can express in different tissue of rice and different hormones have an effection on its expression in root and stem. So our study will lay a foundation for deep research of the function analysis of Trihelix genes.

    Keyword: Rice; Trihelix transcription factor family; Bioinformatics


    1 引言 5

    2 材料与方法 7

    2.1  植物Trihelix超家族转录因子的鉴定 7

    2.2  蛋白序列的比对和水稻Trihelix蛋白系统发生的进化树构建 7

    2.3  Trihelix保守结构域的鉴定和分析 8

    2.4  Trihelix转录因子家族在水稻,段炳草,高粱中的同源性分析 8

    2.5  水稻Trihelix转录因子家族的组织表达分析以及根茎组织对于不同激素的响应 8

    3 结果与分析 8

    3.1  水稻Trihelix转录因子家族的鉴定 8

    3.2  水稻Trihelix转录因子家族的进化分析 11

    3.3  水稻Trihelix家族全长蛋白的结构性分析 12

    3.4  水稻Trihelix转录因子家族染色体复制分析 14

    3.5  Trihelix转录因子超家族在水稻不同组织中的表达模式分析 16

    3.6  水稻Trihelix转录因子家族的根茎组织对于六种不同植物激素的响应机制 17

    4 结论 19

    参考文献(Reference): 20

    致  谢

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