


    Abstract:WRKY transcription factors in plant growth and metabolism plays a very important role in the process. By bioinformatics method, conservative domain structure on the rice WRKY transcription factors, system evolutionary relationships, expressed in different tissues and its rhizome tissue response to different hormones are analyzed in detail, and from WRKY, sorghum, corn, rice and short shank WRKY genome size ratio on the results of the homologous relationship between the four plants were analyzed. Studies show that WRKY genes are conservative structure containing highly conserved domain, has the high homology in genetic structure. On genes between rice and rice and other species, after analysis of the linear relationship between the display of rice and other species have a large number of homologous genes, and thus for parsing rice WRKY transcription factor family structure and function provides a new perspective. 

    Keyword: rice, WRKY gene family, transcription factors,bioinformatics

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    1.1  转录因子概念 4

    1.2  WRKY家族的起源与进化 4

    1.3  植物WRKY基因家族的结构特征 4

    1.4  植物WRKY基因家族的生物学功能 5

    1.5  WRKY转录因子家族报道的研究 5

    材料与方法 6

    2.1  植物WRKY转录因子的分类与鉴定 6

    2.2  水稻WRKY转录蛋白进化树的构建 6

    2.3  水稻WRKY转录因子家族基因的在线分析 7

    2.4  WRKY基因在水稻,短柄草,高粱,玉米中的同源性分析 7

    2.5  水稻WRKY基因组织表达的分析及其在根茎组织中对不同激素的响应 7

    3  结果与分析 8

    3.1  水稻 WRKY家族转录因子的鉴定 8

    3.2  WRKY转录因子家族基因的进化分析 11

    3.3  水稻WRKY基因的预测基序分析 13

    3.4  水稻WRKY转录因子家族染色体复制分析 16

    3.5  WRKY基因染色体复制情况在不同物种之间的分析 16

    3.6  水稻WRKY基因的组织表达分析 19

    3.7  水稻根茎组织中的WRKY基因对于不同激素的响应 20

    4  结论 22

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