


     Abstract: Objective: Three N-glycosylation sites were introduced into rPAE by site-directed mutagenesis. Whether N-glycosylation had an effect on the thermal stability and solvent stability of rPAE was analyzed. Methods: Using plasmid pGH-T/lasB as template, three N-glycosylation sites (I38T, A69T and N266T) were introduced into rPAE by site-directed mutagenesis;Mutation primers were used to obtain the plasmid mutation; The mutated lasB was subcloned into the expression plasmid pPIC9K by gene shear and connection; The plasmid was then transformed into Pichia pastoris by Electroporation. Purified recombinant elastase was collected, and the relationship between N-glycosylation and the thermal stability and solvent stability of rPAE was analyzed. Results: Compared with the wild-type rPAE, the glycosylation levels of N266T and I38T mutant protease were considerably enhanced. The I38T mutation reduced the thermal stability of the enzyme, while N266T mutation affected that slightly. Both I38T and N266T mutations had no significant effects on the rPAE solvent stability.  

    Key words: N – glycosylation, Site-directed mutagenesis, Pseudolysin, Pichia pastoris

    目  录

    引言: 5

    1 实验材料及仪器 8

    1.1 酶、菌株与质粒 8

    1.2 试剂与溶液 8

    1.3 实验仪器 8

    2 实验方法 8

    2.1 定点突变 9

    2.2 目的基因的亚克隆 10

    3 实验流程 11

    3.1 基因定点突变 11

    3.1.1 引物设计 11

    3.1.2 原突变位点附近基因序列 11

    3.1.3 引物序列 12

    3.1.4 聚合酶链式反应 12

    3.2 感受态制备和目的基因的转化 13

    3.2.1 大肠杆菌感受态制备 13

    3.2.2 目的基因的转化 13

    3.2.3 提取质粒并测序 13

    3.3 目的基因的亚克隆 13

    3.3.1 乙醇沉淀DNA 13

    3.3.2 酶切 14

    3.3.3 目的基因的连接 14

    3.3.4 再次转化筛选 14

    3.4 诱导产酶 14

    3.4.1 毕赤酵母电转化方法

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