
    摘  要:纳精囊是克氏原螯虾雌性生殖系统的重要组成部分。本文主要利用HE染色方法与电镜技术,研究了克氏原螯虾雌虾纳精囊的超微结构,结果表明,纳精囊主要包括纳精囊体和纳精囊管。纳精囊体位于卵巢的后上方,由单位纳精囊组成,单位纳精囊由囊壁和单一的囊腔组成;囊壁上皮主要包括上表皮细胞和分泌型腺细胞;分泌型腺细胞中包括细胞核、线粒体、内质网潴泡和囊泡、高尔基体等细胞器结构,在繁殖期间向囊腔中排入分泌物,为精子的储存提供良好的生存环境。本研究为深入研究纳精囊储存精子的机制奠定了理论基础,同时为人工规模化繁殖克氏原螯虾提供科学依据。57406

    毕业论文关 键 词:克氏原螯虾,纳精囊,HE染色方法,电镜技术,超微结构

    Abstract: Spermatheca is an important part of the female reproductive system of Procambarus clarkii. The spermathecal ultrastructure was studied by HE staining method and electron microscopy. The results showed that spermatheca mainly included spermathecal body and spermathecal ducts. Spermathecal body was located in the posterosuperior part of ovary, which was composed of units of spermatheca. Unit of spermatheca consisted of epithelial cells and one single lumen. The epithelial cells included cuticular and secretory gland cells. There were nuclei, mitochondria, vast arrays of cisternaes and vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex in the secretory gland cells. During reproductive period, they began to excluded secretion from spermathecal epithelium, providing proper fluid medium for sperm storage. This study provides theoretical foundation for analyzing the mechanism of storing sperm, which also contributes to the artificial reproduction of Procambarus clarkii.

    Key words: Procambarus clarkii, spermatheca, HE staining method, electron microscopy, ultrastructure

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    1.1  节肢动物纳精囊的研究概况 4

    1.2  克氏原螯虾的生殖生物 5

    1.3  克氏原螯虾纳精囊的研究意义 5

    材料与方法 6

    2.1  实验材料 6

    2.2  实验试剂 6

    2.3  实验方法 6

    2.3.1  解剖 6

    2.3.2  石蜡切片制作 6

    2.3.3  HE染色步骤 7

    2.3.4  电镜方法 7

    3  结果 8

    3.1  组织学结构 8

    3.2  超微结构 9

    4  讨论 11

    结  论 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 15

    1  前言   

    根据堵南山对甲壳动物的分类研究[1],克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)属于甲壳纲(Crustacea)、十足目(Decapoda)、蝲蛄科(Cambaridae)、螯虾亚科(Asteriidae)、原螯虾属(Procambarus)。俗称小龙虾、龙虾、淡水龙虾、螯虾等,是重要的经济水产动物。其道鲜美,营养丰富,适合多种方法烹调,深受广大消费者喜爱[2],市场需求量逐渐增长。自然生长的克氏原螯虾已远远不能满足市场的需求,因此人工养殖小龙虾的规模不断扩大。对克氏原螯虾的生殖生物学研究也得到了国内外学者的重视,希望为人工规模化繁育和养殖小龙虾提供理论依据。

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