


    Abstract: Dynamic monitoring of crop growth could keep abreast of the growing crop conditions and crop nutrition, it was easy to take appropriate administrative measures in order to obtain high-yield crops and improve the level of mechanization Huai'an Winter. In this paper, the biomass of wheat for the region's rapid, non-destructive spectroscopic monitoring technology. There are Ningmai13, Yangfumai4 and Huaimai20 of three wheat varieties as experimental material disposed 0, 8, 15, 22 kgN / 667m2 as four nitrogen levels, respectively, GreenSeeker and CGMD302 was used to collect spectral data. The results show that, GreenSeeker and CGMD302 of NDVI was based to increased with increasing nitrogen application rate,which is based on the NDVI GreenSeeker and CGMD302 wheat growth in the early rise and decline in the late fertility , and it reach the maximum in April 20 and April 27.It is Based that CGMD302 of RVI continue to increase with increasing nitrogen rate, and RVI with wheat growth stages increased and then decreased after the first presentation, reaches a maximum at 27 April. Wheat leaves, stems and tillers, wheat and plant biomass with increasing nitrogen rate rise, and also with the development of the biomass of wheat rise. Based GreenSeeker and CGMD302 of NDVI were associated with wheat leaves, stems and tillers, plant high degree of fit. RVI and on wheat leaves CGMD302 the tiller, the higher the degree of fit plants.

    Keywords: wheat, biomass, vegetation index, spectrum, nondestructive monitoring

    1 前言 3

    2 材料与方法 4

    2.1 实验设计 4

    2.2 光谱数据的采集 5

    2.3 样品的采集与处理 6

    2.4 数据分析 6

    3 结果与分析 6

    3.1 NDVI随氮肥处理的变化 6

    3.2 NDVI随小麦生育期的变化 8

    3.2.1 基于CGMD302的NDVI随冬小麦生育期不同处理的变化 8

    3.2.2 基于GreenSeeker的NDVI随冬小麦生育期不同处理的变化 10

    3.3 RVI随氮肥处理的变化 11

    3.4 RVI随小麦生育期的变化 12

    3.5 生物量随氮肥处理的变化 13

    3.5.1 叶片生物量随氮肥处理的变化

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