

    。虽然PX已经被公认为一种有毒的化合物,但对生物体的毒性作用并不明确。因此,我们选取非洲爪蟾(Xenopus Laevis)作为模式生物来研究不同浓度的PX对爪蟾发育和行为学(即对光点刺激的逃避反应)的影响。选取46期—47期的蝌蚪暴露在浓度为1、2、2.5mM的培养液中。实验结果表明PX导致蝌蚪致畸形或死亡,其中培养液中PX的浓度为1mM的对蝌蚪的行为学影响最小,畸变率最低,死亡率最低。


    在研究了PX对蝌蚪的行为学影响之后,我们还用不同浓度的葡萄糖醛酸内酯和PX2共同培养蝌蚪,研究PX对蝌蚪生长发育影响的拯救作用。我们比较了葡萄糖醛酸内酯浓度分别为1mg/ml、2 mg/ml和3 mg/ml,对PX处理蝌蚪的存活率、致畸率及行为学影响。实验结果表明,浓度为1mg/ml的葡萄糖醛酸内酯可以减少蝌蚪的死亡率和致畸率,以及改善蝌蚪对光点刺激的逃避反映。这些数据表明,葡萄糖醛酸内酯可以作为解毒剂,缓解PX对蝌蚪发育和行为造成的毒副作用。


    P-xylene(PX)is a colorless transparent liquid with a sweet and fragrant smell, which is insoluble to in water and soluble in alcohol, ether and other organic solvents. PX is an important industrial raw material, which is widely used in petrochemical, pesticide, plastics and fiber synthesis and other industries. When the PX concentration is increased to a value, will cause the toxic reaction of fish or other aquatic organisms and even death。Although PX has been recognized as a toxic compound, but it is not clear about its toxicity to the organism. Therefore, we selected the Xenopus laevis as a model organism to study the effects of different concentrations of PX on the development and avoidance behavior. The tadpoles at 46 to 47 were selected and exposed to PX at 1, 2, and 2.5mM in the incubation medium. The experimental results show that PX causes the increase of abnormities and death of tadpoles. The PX at 1mM results in less deficits in behavior  distortion rate andmortality. Taken together, we show that PX can affect the development and avoidance behavior of Xenopus tadpoles.

    We also observed the development of tadpoles with exposure to different concentrations of D-Glucurone at 1mg/ml, 2 mg/ml, and 3 mg/ml respectively.We compared the survival rate, abnormality and the behavior of Xenopus tadpoles. We found that D-Glucurone at 1mg/ml can reduce the mortality and the death rate of the tadpoles as well as improving the avoidance behavior of tadpoles. The data suggest that D-Glucurone may have a protective role in reducing the side effect caused by PX in tadpoles.

    毕业论文关键词:对二甲苯; 蝌蚪; 行为学;葡萄糖醛酸内酯

    Keyword: para-xylene; tadpole; avoidance behavior;D-Glucuron 


    1 引言 1

    2 主要材料 1

    2.1 主要试剂 1

    2.2 主要仪器 2

    2.3 试剂的准备 2

    3 主要方法 2

    3.1 爪蟾的饲养 2

    3.2 PX的制备 2

    3.2.1蝌蚪培养 2

    3.2.2 PX溶液对蝌蚪的培养

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