



    Abstract:In today's era of rapid development,Countries are facing a double crisis of energy and the environment.At this time, green renewable energy research and development has become the focus of national efforts.In the energy sector,Coal, oil, gas and other non-renewable resource consumption becomes larger.They accounted for more than 80% of China's total energy use.And China's energy shortage is getting worse, so the development and utilization of new energy sources has become urgent and urgent.In environmental terms, coal and other energy waste generated a variety of compounds such as emissions of sulfur oxide, carbon and oxygen, nitrogen oxides and other pollutants damage to the environment very seriously, and therefore need to develop biomass energy is particularly important.  

        Research and development of biomass can be used in the anaerobic fermentation of agricultural waste.And different agricultural waste hydrogen fermentation, biogas production potential is different.If you want to maximize the potential of anaerobic fermentation to achieve, you need to use different types of agricultural waste as Fermentation raw material for anaerobic fermentation.And Study their potential fermentation.Reached using biotechnology to make biogas production industrialization.Thus the development of an effective way to clean alternative energy.This test takes sweet potato stems, stems soybeans, corn stover three kinds of agricultural wastes as anaerobic fermentation experiments, measured gas production potential.

    Keywords: biomass, anaerobic fermentation,Gas production potential,biogas

    目 录

    1 前言 3

    1.1  选题的目的及意义 3

    2 选题的相关概述 3

    2.1沼气厌氧发酵的原理 3

    2.2沼气厌氧发酵的所需原料 4

    2.3 沼气厌氧发酵的适应条件 5

    2.4本实验厌氧发酵的内容介绍 6

    3 实验材料与方法 7

    3.1 实验材料 7

    3.2 试验装置 7

    3.3 实验方案 8

    4 实验测试方法与指标 8

    4.1 甲烷、二氧化碳 8

    4.2 PH值 8

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