    Effect of Agricultural Solid Waste Fermentation Liquid on the Crop Growth Promotion of Microbial Fertilizer
    Abstract:The preliminary results showed that SQR9 had obvious chemotaxis effect on the anaerobic fermentation broth of two kinds of agricultural solid waste, and the suitable concentration of fermentation broth could significantly improve the colonization of SQR9 in the rhizosphere of cucumber. Based on the previous results, this study was targeted at the fermentation broth for microbial fertilizer so as to promote synergistic effect. The results of pot experiments showed that different dilutions of fungus mushrooms and smoke fermentation broth on corn have increasing effects with different levels. These results showed that the plant height, stem diameter and above-ground fresh weight of maize were increased significantly. The best using concentration of fungus chaff is 2000 times dilution and 4000 times dilution, Using 2000 times dilution fermentation broth can make plant height, stem diameter increase by 13.6% and 27.3%,4000 times diluted fermentation broth can make the upper part of corn increase by 60.6%, upground dry weight by 51.4%, underground fresh weight by124.5% , underground dry weight by 120%. The dilution factor of the anaerobic fermentation broth was 1000 times, could increase plant height, stems thick,upground fresh weight and dry weight,underground fresh weight and dry weight by 4.7%, 31.13% 48.11%, 35.47%, 120.0%, 58.39%.
    Key words: agricultural solid waste; anaerobic fermentation; pot experiment; plant growth promotion

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    2
    材料与方法    3
    1.1  实验材料    3
    1.1.1  供试作物    3
    1.1.2  供试菌株    3
    1.1.3  供试培养基    3
    1.1.4  供试基质    3
    1.1.5  主要仪器与试剂    3
    1.1.6  数据处理软件    4
    1.2  实验方法    4
    1.2.1  玉米育苗    4
    1.2.2  PGPR菌悬液的制备    4
    1.2.3  盆栽实验    4
    2  结果与分析    5
    2.1  发酵稀释液对植株叶绿素含量与根长的影响    5
    2.2  发酵稀释液对玉米株高的影响    6
    2.3  发酵稀释液对作物茎粗的影响    6
    2.4  发酵稀释液对玉米地上部鲜重与干重的影响    7
    2.5  发酵稀释液对玉米地下部鲜重和干重的影响    9
    2.6  发酵稀释液对玉米含水量和干物质含量的影响    11
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