


    Abstract: In order to study the influence of GASBD2 protein in the GASBD2-transgenic platform technology on the starch granule morphology and the starch physicochemical properties of the transgenic potatoes, the accumulation of the GASBD2 recombinant protein was analyzed by Western dot blot. The granule morphology of starch was observed by optical microscope and the pasting properties and thermodynamic properties of starch were determined. The granule morphology and the physicochemical properties of starches of transgenic potato and non-transgenic potato were contrasted, the results showed that the accumulation of the GASBD2 protein in starch granules had significant effect on the granule morphology of starch. But the GASBD2 gene expression in potato had no effect on the other physical and chemical properties of starches. These results show that GASBD2 can be used in the SBD-platform technology.

    Keywords: potato、GASBD2 gene、the properties of starch、the morphology of starch、the SBD-platform technology


    前言 - 4 -

    1 材料与方法 - 4 -

    1.1 材料与试剂 - 4 -

    1.2 方法 - 4 -

    1.2.1 马铃薯淀粉的提取 - 4 -

    1.2.2 Western斑点杂交分析 - 4 -

    1.2.3 淀粉颗粒形貌的观察 - 5 -

    1.2.4 淀粉糊化性质的测定 - 5 -

    1.2.5 淀粉热力学性质的测定 - 5 -

    2  结果与分析 - 5 -

    2.1  GASBD2基因在马铃薯中的蛋白表达分析 - 5 -

    2.2  转基因马铃薯淀粉颗粒形貌的观察 - 7 -

    2.3  转基因淀粉糊化特性的分析 - 8 -

    2.4  转基因淀粉热力学性质的分析 - 8 -

    3. 结论 - 9 -

    参考文献 - 10 -

    致  谢 - 11 -




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