
    摘要:研究伴生菌对桦褐孔菌摇瓶发酵过程中菌丝体的产量和多酚含量的影响。方法:以液体PDA培养基培养伴生菌,得相应发酵液并灭菌备用,然后取1 mL发酵液加入以液体PDA培养基培养得桦褐孔菌中,分别在6、7、10、13、15、17 d时取样进行称重,查看产量。并且用紫外分光光度计进行桦褐孔菌培养液多酚的测定。结论:伴生菌发酵液能提高桦褐孔菌菌丝体产量,但是在提高产量的同时也加速了桦褐孔菌的老化,在17 d的时候产量开始下降,进入衰退期。伴生菌发酵液能够提高桦褐孔菌培养过程中多酚的含量,在0-10 d的时候桦褐孔菌消耗土豆培养液中的多酚,使其含量达到最低点,在10-19 d时多酚的含量又逐渐增加并且比未加入发酵液的含量高。69046


    Effects of a Companion Fungus on mycelium yield and polyphenol content of Inonotus obliquus in shake flask culture

    Abstract: Studying the effects of Companion Fungus on mycelium yield and polyphenol content of Inonotus obliquus fermentation in shake flask. methods:Companion Fungus with Liquid PDA medium to get the corresponding the fermentation broth and sterilizing it, then adding 1ml fermentation broth to the Inonotus obliquus cultured with liquid PDA medium. Sampling it in 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17 D to weigh and get the output. Determined the polyphenol content of Inonotus obliquus medium. Determination of polyphenols by UV spectrophotometer at 760nm. Conclusion: Companion Fungus fermentation liquor can improve the output of Inonotus obliquus hyphae. But to accelerate the aging of Inonotus obliquus at the same time of increasing production. Production began to decline and enter recession at 17d time. Companion Fungus fermentation liquor can improve the output of polyphenols in the process of training Inonotus obliquus. Polyphenols in the PDA can be consumption at 0-10d time. Make its content reached its lowest point. The content of polyphenol gradually increase again and above didn't join the fermented liquid at 10-19d time.

    key word:Inonotus obliquus;Companion Fungus;polyphenol; Mycelium yield.

    目 录

    引言 1

    1.国内外对桦褐孔菌化学成分及生物活性都有很多的研究与进展 1

    2.桦褐孔菌的生物活性 2

    3.桦褐孔菌的加工利用现状 2

    1 实验材料与方法 2

    1.1实验材料与菌种 2

    1.2实验仪器 2

    1.3药品与试剂 2

    1.4实验方法 3

     1.4.1配置液体PDA培养基 3

     1.4.2伴生菌发酵液的制备 3

     1.4.3桦褐孔菌的培养 3

    1.5多酚含量的测定 3

    2 实验结果 4

    2.1桦褐孔菌菌丝产量分析 4

    2.2多酚含量的测定 5

    2.2.1没食子酸标准曲线的建立 5

    2.2.2 伴生菌发酵液对桦褐孔菌多酚含量的影响 6

    2.2.3结果分析 7

    3 讨论与分析..............................................7

    致谢 8


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