
    摘要:本文研究了不同产地的咖啡豆的烘焙方法以及云南咖啡产业的发展情况。将五种咖啡生豆分别进行不同条件的烘焙,将得到的咖啡豆进行感官评定、烘焙损失率的测定、色差值测定得到最佳烘焙方案。曼特宁的最佳烘焙方案为0-10min 130℃ 11-17min 150℃ 18-23min 180℃24-29min 230℃;巴西UTZ的最佳烘焙方案为0-10min 130℃ 11-17min 150℃ 18-23min 180℃ 24-29min 210℃;哥伦比亚慧兰的最佳烘焙方案为0-10min 140℃ 11-17min 160℃ 18-23min 200℃ 24-29min 230℃;耶加雪菲的最佳烘焙方案为0-10min 130℃11-17min 150℃ 18-23min 200℃ 24-29min 210℃;云南咖啡的最佳烘焙方案为0-10min 140℃ 11-17min 160℃ 18-23min 200℃ 24-29min 230℃。云南咖啡豆价格低廉、虽然90%都为卡蒂莫种,但加上品种上的改良以及细心的烘焙,口感上不亚于一些著名产地的咖啡。70117


    Study on roasting process of Coffee beans

    Abstract: This paper studied the baking method of coffee beans from different areas and the development of Yunnan coffee industry.The five kinds of coffee beans were baked separately under different conditions, the sensory evaluation of the obtained coffee beans, the determination of the baking loss rate and the determination of the color difference were carried out to obtain the best baking scheme. The best baking scheme for Manteline is 0-10 min 130℃ 11-17 min 150℃ 18-23 min 180℃ 24-29 min 230℃ ; Brazilian UTZ optimum baking scheme is 0-10 min 130℃  11-17 min 150℃  18- 23 min 180℃ 24-29 min 210℃;Colombia Whelan best baking regimen is 0-10 min 140℃  11-17 min 160℃  18-23 min 200℃  24-29 min 230℃; 10 min 130℃  11-17 min 150℃ 18-23 min 200℃ 24-29 min 210℃ ; the best baking scheme for Yunnan coffee is 0-10 min 140℃  11-17 min 160℃  18-23 min 200℃  24-29 min 230℃.Yunnan coffee beans cheap, although 90% are Katimo species, but with varieties of improved and careful baking, taste no less than some famous origin of coffee.

    Key words:Coffee baking;Yunnan coffee;Coffee industry


    1. 绪论 1

    1.1 咖啡 1

    1.1.1 各国的咖啡 2

    1.1.2 咖啡的营养成分 3

    1.2 中国产咖啡吗 7

    1.3 中国有好咖啡吗 8

    1.4精品咖啡 11

    1.5咖啡烘焙过程中的主要化学变化 12

    1.6烘焙对咖啡的重要性 13

    1.7本课题的研究意义 13

    2.实验材料与方法 14

    2.1实验材料 14

    2.2实验仪器与设备 14

    2.3实验方法 15

    2.3.1咖啡的烘焙 15

    2.3.2感官评定 16

    2.3.3烘焙损失测定 17

    2.3.4亮度值测定 17

    2.3.5气相色谱-质谱分析 17

    2.3.6高效液相色谱法测定咖啡成分 18

    3.结果与讨论 18

    3.1感官评定结果 18

    3.2烘焙损失 23

    3.3亮度值 23


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