    Commercial bank is an important part in the financial sector. It plays an important supporting role to the development of China's national economy. The development of commercial Banks whether are in good condition to our country’s economy have a significant impact, but there is never a perfect performance evaluation system can be used to measure the operations of Banks ,the paper mainly from the perspective of commercial bank financial to analysis China’s banking sector the operating performance.
    This paper carries on the analysis from the profitability, liquidity security and development of the 16 listed banks in China 2014 annual public financial data. In the statistical data of 16 listed banks in 2014 full year is chosen in the rate of return on net assets rate of return on total assets, the liquidity ratio, the loan growth rate, the rate of bad loans, the 13financial indicators to establish performance evaluation system.
    Then using the constructed index system of enterprise performance of banking listing Corporation rankings The results showed that three listed banks the overall level of state-owned commercial banks are in the lower position. The small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks perform the existence of polarization characteristics. The city commercial banks in the banking business performance excellence.
    [Key Words]:Factor analysis; The banking industry; Performance evaluation; Listed banks
    目    录
    摘 要  Ⅰ
    Abstract  Ⅱ
    1、绪论    1
    1.1研究背景   1
    1.2研究现状   1
    1.3研究方法选择    2
    2. 银行业上市公司绩效评估指标的选择和数据预处理   3
    2.1指标的选取  3
    2.2指标的检测和预处理   5
    3. 银行业上市公司绩效评估系统的建立  8
    3.1提取公共因子  8
    3.2因子载荷矩阵  9
    3.3旋转后的因子载荷矩阵   9
    3.4计算因子得分    10
    3.5建立绩效评估模型   11
    4.银行业上市公司综合绩效评估得分  11
    5. 评价结果的启示和中国银行业发展前景   14
    参考文献   15
    致    谢 16
    1.1    研究背景
    1.2    研究现状
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