    We first describes three serious financial bubbles in China's financial market. Then we analyze the above phenomenon. This paper argues that investors’ investment mentality is not mature and is lack of knowledge which is the direct cause of the financial bubble, but China's financial education low penetration is the root causes of the financial bubble.
      By contrast with the United States, this paper founds that China's financial popularization education and shortcomings are as follows. First, the financial education positioning is too low. Second, the financial education system is imperfect and is an unreasonable structure of financial education. Third, underlying financial education doesn't get enough attention, and tools of basic financial education are intermingled. China's financial popularization education needs to be improved.
      Domestic investors financial quality is low, at the same time, financial education system is not perfect in a short period of time by domestic investors. Financial quality cannot appear larger ascension. Preparation under this background, the Shanghai stock exchange in February 9, 2015 implementation of 50 ETF options pilot. This paper argues that the options market investors structural imbalance will lead to the next financial bubble which may be born in the options market. At the same time, in the options simulation also we found that the shadow of the financial bubble in the market. Securities regulatory commission on these concerns creates in the history of the highest barriers to entry to hope that through this scheme makes the options market investors structure can be relatively reasonable. But this paper argues that the solution can only take temporary solution and can not effect a permanent cure, investors financial quality enhancement and options of knowledge are the root of the options market health movement. Then, this paper collects the main learning tool option, knowledge, and compares the advantages and disadvantages between them. On this basis, we design a model for learning software learning options. Finally, this paper analyzes briefly about some disadvantages of options market in China in the early operational stage, as well as the options market's expectations.
  1. 上一篇:主成分分析的实际应用浅探
  2. 下一篇:基于因子分析银行业上市公司绩效研究
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