

    Number and shape are two of the most ancient and basic objects of mathematic

    studies, they can transform into each other under certain conditions.In the middle school mathematics,there is a link between number and shape which is called the combination of number and shape.The combination of number and shape is an important thought in the middle school mathematics,and it is widely used in solving mathematics problems.This article mainly introduced the history and development of the combination of number and shape;and its status in the middle school mathematics;as well as the application of the combination of number and shape in the middle school mathematics.Then we will find the advantages of the combination of number and shape by analysis,comparison and induction,so that the students can use the combination of number and shape to solve mathematical problems.

    毕业论文关键词:数形结合; 中学数学; 以数化形; 以形变数;  应用

    Keyword: the combination of number and shape;the middle school mathematics;

    Number transform into shape;shape transform into number;application


    摘要 2

    引言 4

    正文 4

    一. 数形结合的历史演变及发展 4

    1、“数”、“形”的含义 4

    2、 数形结合的简史 4

    3、 数形结合的概述 5

    二. 数形结合在中学教育中的地位 6

    三. 数形结合在中学解题中的具体应用 6

    1、“以数化形”的应用 6

    2、“以形变数”的应用 10

    3、“以数化形”和“以形变数”相结合的应用 11

    四. 关于数形结合的思考 11

    五. 总结 13

    六. 致谢 13

    参考文献 13



  1. 上一篇:数形结合在中学数学中应用
  2. 下一篇:浅谈数形结合在中学数学中的应用
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