


    毕业论文关键词  公司治理;公司治理问题;公司治理评价;层次分析法


    Title        Study of corporate governance issues     

    Abstract For the past few years, with the development of economic globalization, a hot wave of corporate governance research has been raised all over the world, and it has gradually become a research focus in the economy circle. The main purpose of the study is to find effective measures for corporate governance to achieve maximum benefit for the company by analyzing the problems of corporate governance deeply. Improvement is the guarantee of stakeholders, which means we need to adopt a scientific method to evaluate the governance.

    We use the AHP method for the problems of the corporate governance structure. And thus,we use the simple ratio method and the wole scoring method to calculate the score values of corporate governance indicators to get the comprehensive evaluation results through their comparison. Based on this conclusion,we can improve the current situation of corporate governance accordingly and effectively. This is a new research method, and has certain economic implications. The hierarchical structure model of corporate governance has a profound effect on the effective determination of the Chinese corporate governance and positive change of corporate governance mechanism.

    Keywords  corporate governance;corporate governance issues;corporate governance evaluation;the AHP method

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究设想 2

    1.3 研究方法 2

    1.4 本文的创新点 3

    2 公司治理与公司治理模式 4

    2.1 公司治理的概念及其实质再认识 4

    2.2 公司治理的基本模式 5

    3 公司治理评价体系研究 7

    3.1 公司治理评价研究现状 7

    3.2 公司治理评价的意义 9

    3.3 目前我国公司治理存在的问题 10

    4 我国公司治理评价模型的构建 12

    4.1 我国公司治理评价的指标体系 12

    4.2 公司治理评价的层次模型 12

    5 公司治理评价模型的实证分析 16

    5.1 公司治理层次模型模拟分析 16

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