
    摘要: 本文主要对淮阴师范学院数学专业学生的综合测评总分进行统计分析.淮阴师范学院学生的综合测评总分是根据学生的德育分、智育分、体育分和拓展性素质分计算得出的,因而综合测评总分受到多种因素的影响.本文以统计学及多元统计分析理论为基础,以数学专业学生的实际综合测评成绩为样本,对数学专业学生的各项得分进行方差分析、相关分析、因子分析、聚类分析等数据分析,重点分析了学生的智育成绩中各门课程之间的关系,同时结合统计学的相关知识,探讨各项得分之间、各门课程之间的关系.65771

    关键词: 方差分析,相关分析,因子分析,聚类分析 

    Abstract:This article mainly carried on the comprehensive evaluation score of mathematics major students of Huaiyin Normal University by statistical analysis.The students’ comprehensive evaluation score was based on the moral education score, the intellectual score, the sports score and the expanding quality score, so the comprehensive evaluation score was affected by various factors. This paper was based on the theory of statistics and multivariate statistical analysis,and took the results of actual comprehensive assessment of students majoring in mathematics as a sample.And the paper analyzed the students’ each score by One-Way ANOVA, correlation analysis,  factor analysis and cluster analysis. And the analysis of the relationship between the subjects is the most important. Meanwhile, the study on the relationship between the score and between the subjects is also given according to the knowledge of statistics.

    Keywords: One-Way ANOVA, correlation analysis,factor analysis, cluster analysis


    1 前言·····································································4

    2 综合测评总分分析·······················································4



    3 不同项总分的相关分析···················································6

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