



    毕业论文关键词   压缩感知  稀疏性  非线性重建


    Title         Realization and comparison of   compressed sensing reconstruction algorithms       


    The theory of compressed sensing (CS) relies on the fact that most of the natural signals can be sparsely represented in some transform domain. CS is an approach to simultaneous sensing and compression which can acquire the signal from far fewer samples or measurements than the traditional methods use, and CS tell us that the incomplete measurement values can preserve the necessary information of the sparse and compressible signals. There are three import ant components in the CS theory, the first is the sparse representation of signal, the second is the linear measurement,and the last one is the nonlinear reconstruction. Among the three components, the nonlinear reconstruction is the key step for the whole CS acquisition process.This paper focuses on the reconstruction algorithms for the image.The main innovative results are listed as follows.

    (1) With the same conditions, the convex optimization algorithms have higher precision then the greedy ones.

    (2) The greedy algorithms in dealing with large signals, are good in time complexity, and can complete the signal reconstruction in a relatively short period of time.

    Keywords  Compressed Sensing  Sparseness  Nonlinear              Reconstruction

    目   次

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  研究背景及意义 5

    1.2  压缩感知理论基础 6

    1.2.1  稀疏表示 6

    1.2.2  线性压缩测量 6

    1.2.3  压缩感知非线性重建 7

    1.3  本文的主要研究工作 8

    2  算法介绍 8

    2.1  贪婪算法 8

    2.1.1  OMP算法 8

    2.1.2  CoSaMP算法 9

    2.2  凸优化算法 10

    2.2.1  FISTA算法 10

    2.2.2  PALM算法 11

    2.2.3  DALM算法 12

    3  实验结果及分析 13

    3.1  凸优化算法比较分析 13

    3.2  贪婪算法比较分析 15

    3.3  类别比较

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