

    毕业论文关键词 留数  无穷远点  定积分  留数定理  


    Title             Residue Theorem and Applications        



    The residue theorem in complex function theory and practical applications is very important conclusion, there is a close relationship between it and calculating contour integration problems, and some questions are difficult to solve in the real function in the theory of integral into complex function integral by using the residue theorem applied can easily get results. Through the analysis of the relationship between the Cauchy integral theorem and the residue theorem, understand the residue theorem is a generalization of Cauchy integral theorem and the Cauchy integral formula. Then the method of calculating the residue were studied, including the general method for residue and other several methods to solve relatively simple and residue at infinity. At the end of the residue theorem to solve the integral problem research, application of the residue theorem to calculate the real integration problem, the computation of several types of real integral transformation to calculate the complex integral, reached the difficult easy, to simplify the effect.

    Keywords  Residue   infinity definite   integral   residue theorem

    目 次

    1 引言  1

    1.1  研究背景   1

    1.2  研究目的   2

    2  柯西积分定理与柯西留数定理   3

    2.1  柯西积分定理与柯西积分公式   3

    2.2  引入留数   4

    2.3  柯西留数定理与柯西积分定理关系   4

    3  留数的计算方法   7

    3.1  计算一般孤立奇点留数的方法   7

    3.2  计算留数的一些改进方法   9

    3.3  函数在无穷远点的留数  13

    4  使用留数计算实积分  19

    4.1  计算 型积分 19

    4.2  计算 型积分 20

    4.3  计算 型积分 22

    结论 26

    致谢 27

    参考文献 28

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景


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