


    Abstract The strength quality is the source of all kinds of sports, the relationship between strength and speed quality is most closely, cannot do without strength training, speed training. With the continuous development of the sprint, the technical level is becoming more and more perfect, the training methods and means to continuously improve, theory of system development, performance has been greatly improved, but the domestic high school students sprint sports achievements and world middle school students has certain gap compared. For the domestic research of strength training are mostly concentrated in the professional team, however high school athletes training belongs to the amateur, usually have a heavy learning tasks, training period is shorter, the lack of systematic. Practice in order to participate in the province, city system game, methods mostly adopt small periodic training assault training. The plan of training arrangement, training means and methods of selection, the principle should be followed to differentiate between step by step, at the same time according to the development status of middle school students in athletes of different training system is essential, respectively by means of different training methods. This paper fully discusses the middle school students in physical development characteristics and strength training effect on the growth and development; the essential characteristics of sprint strength training of sprinters strength training of middle school students; the principles, through the analysis to existing sprinters strength training of middle school students and should pay attention to the problem, put forward from the full attention of core strength; combined with flexibility; around the technology needs to improve and strength training, strength training for sprinters of junior high school students, in order to explore a suitable for sprint athletes training mode of middle school students in china.

    Keyword: Strength training;Sprinters of junior middle school students;The problem

    目    录

    摘    要 1

    Abstract 2

    1绪论 4

    1.1选题背景及意义 4

    1.2国内外研究现状 4

    2 中学生身体发育特点和力量训练对生长发育影响的分析

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