

    毕业论文关键词 :体育运动,干预,中学生,身心健康,影响   

    Abstract: Education is a necessary and fundamental factor to improve China's comprehensive national strength and international competiveness, therefore our country constantly adjust the education policy and increase investment in education, regarding the strategy of strengthening the state by talents and developing the country by relying on science and education as the basic national policy. Thus it can be seen that our country put more emphasis on education. The education and training of secondary school students is an important part of education. The middle school students are cross-century generation. They not only have to face intense competitive pressure, but also have to experience a sensitive period of physical and mental development. Their physiology, cognition, emotion, will, self-awareness and other aspects all have a lot of space to develop and shape. Hence, it is essential for middle school students’ physical and mental development that how to implement specific interventions in particular stage. For example: adopting what kind of sport means to intervene is more beneficial to develop their body shape or what kind of sport means is beneficial to strengthen their psychological ability and adjust their will. Through the study of this topic, first in the middle school students to establish the idea of "health first" in the heart, understand the role and meaning of sports; Second depth investigation information on the development of school sports activity, the teaching effect, feedback, clear shortcomings and the insufficiency, through the continuous improvement to improve the effect of the intervention; Finally, to explore what kind of sports and exercise intensity, exercise time is more suitable for the development of middle school students' physical and mental health. Sports intervention is of great significance, can stay healthy, adjust psychology, become a national pillars just lay the foundation for high school students.

    Keywords:physical education,intervene,middle-school students,physical and psychological health,influence


    1 研究对象与方法....5

    1.1 研究对象..5

    1.2 研究方法..5

    1.2.1 文献法..5

    1.2.2 问卷调查法....5

    1.2.3 访谈法..6

    1.2.4 观察统计法....6

    2 研究结果与分析....6

    2.1 体育运动干预对中学生身体形态的响影响.6

    2.1.1 体育运动干预对中学生身高的影响....7

    2.1.2 体育运动干预对中学生体重的影响....8

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